Thank you pet for healing me daily
Author: Robinetta Beckers
от 19-01-2021 Gdańsk
Thank you pet for healing me daily. you've been a blessing to me and you're always there when i am lost and down. When i am lost, i need you more. When i am burdened, I need you to carry my burdens. When i have too much thoughts, i need you to share all those worries. I wish if it was the other way...i wish i was able to share my happiness with you and keep my burdens within me. But, I am only a lost soul in a human body and i feel more and more lost now. May be i am near to the end of the tunnel. Plz help me see some light,make me feel light, I just want to be loved and be free and light like a feather. Am I that wrong pet??? Love you xoxoxoxo
от 19-01-2021 Gdańsk